Why Is Hiring A Hit & Miss?

Why do employers keep hiring the wrong people and missing out on the right ones? Because they all short list on CVs!
This is what HBR found when basing hiring on past experience.

“Florida State University reviewed 81 studies on prior work experience and new employee performance, finding no significant correlation. This suggests past experience doesn’t reliably predict success in a new role.”
Harvard Business Review (October 2023)

ACE Talent Hire System screens accurately without CVs.

ACE Talent Hire System
Reveals Insights That CV's Can't.

People Screened


3 Regions
ASEAN, China/HK, Australia

16 Years

What Our Clients Say

James King Group

“Our best performing new blood are from totally unrelated industry to us ... its all about Attitude, Adaptability and Willingness to Learn. This is what A.C.E screens for. Forget CVs. Hire for Attitude, Train on Skills.”
Kevin Ho
AEH Group

“This is invaluable in our recruitment process to avoid mis-hires and what to watch out for whilst hiring a particular candidate. It is cost effective for avoiding wrong hires and matching best fit candidates to our business."
Taha Ebrahim
Donavan & Ho

“ACEtalent saves a lot of time in deciding whether to even call a candidate for an interview by putting the candidate through the screening first. We were surprised at the accurate evaluations of a hired candidate over time.”
Shawn Ho

3 Qualities That Make Best Hires Screened For You

 A Winning Attitude
They say, “Attitude Can’t Be Taught, but it Can Be Caught.” And isn’t that the truth? In every interaction, every decision, it’s not just skills that matter, but the attitude we bring to the table. It’s the spark that ignites success, the glue that binds teams, and the driving force behind innovation. All our clients agree. We are sure you do, too.

Strong Achievers
Focus on what truly matters: results. Avoid the trap of hiring fakers and instead, embrace achievers. Achievers aren’t just talk. They get the job done, exceed expectations, inspire their colleagues, and drive real progress. By hiring achievers over fakers, you’re not just building a stronger team – you’re setting your company up for long-term success.

Good EQ & Common Sense (EQ+)
After analyzing 20,000+ employees, we found 30-40% lack common sense, frustrating clients. Our unique screening assessment for new hires prioritizes common sense, freeing you to focus on what truly matters, not firefighting. Picture a workplace where decisions are clear, problems are tackled logically, and tasks are executed efficiently. It’s all achievable by hiring individuals with both good EQ and the invaluable trait of common sense.

Why Bad Hires Happen?

  • Using CVs to short list candidates
  • Basing hiring on past work experience 
  • Trusting references
  • Focusing on job skills
  • Confirmation bias in interviews

Why It's So Hard To Fix?

  • Limited resources to widen interview pool 
  • Psychometric tests too expensive and hard to use
  • Lack of psychological data and insights to guide
  • Final decision makers lack HR expertise
  • Always done this way

Let’s you X’ray every applicant and catches the top 25% of candidates in every job posting.
It’s so affordable you don’t need approval to start!

What ACE can do that others can't

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RM450 (USD99) Starter Pack, Limited Time Only.

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ACE is Sharp!

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Hire Only A-Players From Today

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RM450 (USD99) Starter Pack, Limited Time Only.

By submitting your details you hereby agree to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. You may always opt-out from our mailing lists in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Meet Your ACE Team

  • Gaston Bagsit. CEO.
    Gaston brings 20 years experience in advertising & media industry where dealing with emotions, stress and high personnel turnover is the norm. You can be rest assured he is well qualified in leading ACE Talent Hire.
  • Dr Shashie S. Client Solutions.
    Shashie practiced as a dental surgeon for over 30 years. He understands client care and needs!
  • Dr Bong. Tech Solutions.
    Bong is a professor in the AI space. He makes sure our algorithms and systems work accurately and efficiently for you.
Gaston Bagsit
Gaston Bagsit
Chief Executive Officer
Dr Shashie S
Dr Shashie S
Client Solutions
Dr CH Bong
Dr CH Bong
Tech Solutions

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